sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

I am impressed

There are expresions directly conected to some languages that can't be said in another one. For example, in french we have the " je suis desolée ". There is a sound, a...soul in that sound that cannot be translated to any other.
This happens with " i am impress ". It's like a very long ssss that moves around your lips, telling the world the sensation that you have. It's great :-) And of course, i am impress. No matter how much times do i come to fairyland, there is still more magic waiting for me. Other maybe there isn't magic, so something usual. Love, really understood, it's the art of make usual things become magical. This explains why religions, work other anything can be love. Cause love is something that float over everything and...
Hell, i sound like a romantic comedy. Someone kill me, for mercy !
But this is the thing.I went to a shore.It was a rock shore with a black sand beach, like any of here.It remenbered me a lot of other shores where i was with the boat and the ship when working here. But we spoke at a bar and it was like magic again. As when we were eating with Santi and his friend and all the conversation themes were interesting and everybody had something usefull to tell. I felt me so... impressed. And that's the word and the feeling.
So thanks. Even in another language, thanks :-) It's great to have this feeling, wich gives me strenght for all that will come later. Spassiba !

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Three wise men

There is a poem from Samuel Coleridge called " the rhyme of the ancient mariner ". When i was a teenager i knew it as an Iron Maiden song and it surprised me for the long and bored that appeared to me, but still caught my imagination. As any child, i loved my grandpa who was an old mariner of hard hands, straight back and soo tall and strong. The father any children would love. So, since my soonest childhood, i have always feel atracted by the mistery of the sea and what surrounds all this ancient mariners. Wich coast could have they visited ? Wich ports ? Wich wonders, wich languages unknown, wich weird adventures ?
Someway i am a little bit of an ancient mariner myself now a days. And i can tell stories that begin with " when i was a child... ". So let's bore you with a little one about it.
When i was a child, we didn't learn english being 3. In fact we didn't begin with english until being 12, and at this time we were quite busy with real maths, real phisics, real language, real story... to worry about a language that noone of us found usefull. When i was a child, we were still someway inocent. With twelve years old our life was football, bike, beach half the year... for the nerds of us the videogames were begining and for the faster of us the girls were begining too. Anyway, as any child, we were so far from gifts and there was a lot of time since we began raiding the house in the look for our christmas presents.
That's why i passed over this information without even caring.
In Spain, since inmemorial times, we receive our children gifts the day 6th of January. Theorically, it's the day when the Three Wise Men visited Jesuchrist to give them his presents, and for this day, all the children in a spanish house are THE children. But now we come to the mistery that inspired this article.
There isn't " three wise men ". In spanish we call them the " Wizard kings ". So when i studied english and discovered how they stole our name, i just passed over it cause this was a " children " thing.
Of course. As an ancient mariner, i can ask for the children things with all my proud. I have a beard and don't need to prove that i am a children anymore, with people calling me " sir " in the shops and all this. So i come back to this mistery and i begin to analize.
What's bad with you, english people of the world ? Three wise men ? What did they have of wise ? Yeah, they knew how to have good relations with the boss, giving gifts and all this but... what's with this ? I can do it too :-P No children will feel impresed for a " wise " man. My grandfather wasn't wise when i was a child. He was mighty, and funny, and amazing. He did some kind of magic, moving the hands to make disappear a coin other showing me knots that are unmount by themselves. How did he do that ? I want to know it !
And this is the most important thing of being a children. The magic. So i throw to hell all this people who change names, like if names hasn't any meaning, and i ask for my Wizard Kings again. Who brought gifts that we didn't know what could be, but always fill our hearts of mistery, of game and kindness. Even when i were " older " and didn't believe them, the raid for the treasure hiding in my home was some kind of magic. And i want to look for something under the bed again, afraid cause there may be a monster but encouraging myself cause there can be a treasure there too.

This article is dedicated to everybody who keeps dreaming. Don't surrender ! We are with you

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Spread your wings

I have just read that Raya doesn't read this mail cause i don't write so much and cause it isn't the same than in spanish one. And for sure it isn't ! The trick is that i write things here that sound better in english, other wich i produce for another public. My spanish blog is more " private " one, in the way that a blog could ever be private - such a ridiculous concept -. But one of my
main " agreement " with my readers is that most of the things that i write in my mail are free from my mind. Nothing to use against other to please me. If i begin thinking in the consequences of what i write there other here i would lost my freedom, and without freedom it cannot exist art other creativity. So please, let's enjoy :-) I will translate this last article just to unplease her, and after explain all this i will keep with my production: some things in english and some things in spanish. Let's be thankfull that i don't write another ones in german other russian :-P

Spread your wings is a hit of Queen, but i knew them in the cover of Blind Guardian. Anyway, as today i found Ivan, wich i didn't meet for years and he is a mega-fan of queen, this article is dedicated to him.

I am so excited. As i came over the Calesas Street, i phoned Luis to make him jealous.
- Guess what have i listened.
- Tell me.
- " Caleta " sang from Antonio Martin group.
- Son of a bitch...

But it was a " son of a bitch " reconcentrated, of hate, evil. I loved it. And it's not the only thing that i have loved today. I slept five hours and, after laugh a lot with mrs Inna Osypenko, i have taken my mp3, my trenchcoat and my converse and i went to the center to feed Burger King and Carnival with Mrs Niki. The bottle girl. And, do you know something ? One knows that he really enjoyed with someone when, a little bit after saying bye, miss him/her. This girl is a all star, good for her. And fuck, how much did i wanted a lot of carnival. Of chorus, comparsas, people, foolness. Of rain too, what the hell, cause water cleans the soul and paint tears in your face a while. And to be deep and metaphisic and fool and stupid. I have came back home cause i have to prepare things for tomorrow, take a look on the car, take out my wet shoes and write Raya. And remenbering Raya, now i notice that this girl is a heal for the wounds that i make to myself, and that i am a teacher for her. She said me one time that, if she wouldn't learn anything from me, she wouldn't lost time with me. Wich is at the same time so cruel and so smart from her. I am playing with this idea, that men, for animal agresivity, tend to build, destroy, modfy.. without limits. And then it comes the women and put limits, organize, manage. I was thinking in that concept of roles together and it looks as a so crude idea yet, but something wich we can exploit.

And all this after a carnival time and a nice girl. What a thing. In two days i feel me like if i were having spring inside again, a few of life, of fight, of lust. I want to live. I want to make things. And i feel that i can do it, i can offer something to the world with my silences, my surrealism, my way of watch the world. I feel myself more... alive. How much did i needed a few carnival after the stupid tireness of the campaign, for God's sake. Take care, i miss you
