miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012


Hoy me he dado cuenta de algo curioso. Mi problema es que me gusta moverme entre líneas. Me gusta ser positivo y negativo, según me apetezca. Quizás por eso es tan difícil encontrar una chica que me mantenga el ritmo y con la que me sienta comodo. O las intimido o me intimidan, o las aburro o me aburren, o las abrumo o me abruman. No hay punto intermedio. Quizás ese es el problema y quizás por eso casi todas mis historias son extranjeras. Porque juego al despiste, regateo, me pierdo y luego, de repente, aparezco y parece que todo me quede chico y atraviese el aire.
Por eso quizás me gustan las chicas con novio. Los desafios inquietantes. Esa gente que sé que nunca podré tener y me da igual. Por la busqueda del más difícil todavía, por el constante desafio a mi ingenio, a mi sentido del absurdo, a la diversión. Decía Alina que le encanta mis ansias de vivir. ¿ Y como no ? Si la vida es maravillosa. Es un juego, una aventura, un imposible. Como decía el video de sita Silvia " the world is saved ". Que me encanta, por cierto. ¡ A seguir disfrutando ! No preocuparse del mañana más que para calcular el próximo paso. Y por dios, sonreid. Decía Bob Marley que no puedes vivir de esta forma negativa, haz sitio para lo positivo. A por ello !

martes, 10 de julio de 2012

Chinese cookie wisdom

The clasic ones said that Caesar wife don't have to be decent, so also look like. One day i spoke with Mrs Carol about a brilliant comment a girl said to me, and Carol tagged it as " chinese cookie wisdom ". That is, a comment that she read other listened somewhere, liked and repeated it without deep inside it other add something of her own.
It's not the first time that i make a mistake, and it won't be the last one. It's easy to delight me. Sometimes i imagine watching the sun, when what i see is the moon reflected in a pool. That's why i took a serie of quotes as deepness and a tone of conversation as it's respective atittude toward life. And it has nothing to be.
In another time, when people lived for and by their ideologies, there was a huge difference between those who were followers of a doctrine and those who lived it. It's the same with religions. Sometime i have said that, when many people can wear an uniform, so few of them can live practicing what it preach. It ask for a constant effort of deny of own identity and adaptation, fusion. It's like a good couple, who changes you without deleting you. But it's a constant and very hard struggle.
The other day Silvia made me quite a hard question. What have you seen in that person ? And thinking with perspective, i think that it's probably that i saw the moon reflected in a pool. When i was still young and impresionable ( about fifteen years old ), i said to Mr Damian that in a couple, half of the virtues we see there aren't anything more than the projection of our needs. We hope that person to be strong and we see strength, out of case if there is other there isn't. It's our need what makes us weak. Indeed the more we experience, grow, learn... we keep falling. Maybe it's time to break the circle. Don't you think so ? And let the chinese cookie wisdom for it's time and place. During desserts, while we joke with a person that can share without fear.