jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

Raya is the guilty

So, here i am. Tonight i had some kind of magic in my life and here i am, ready to write it again. For the first time in... maybe a year ? I think almost, overall because Vicen saved me. But i think that it has been a loooong time since the last when i went to a concert and enjoyed so much. It's curious to say, but probably Angelus Apatrida is the only spanish " crude " metal band ( excepting Ktulu ) wich i really like. And tonight they broke it off in Cádiz :-) It was a great time and i felt myself so happy, so shining, so... so alive. We need metal :-)
In Prosiland i define myself with a lot of words, but i forgot to speak about metal there. No idea why. There is a lot of empty spaces in my life that i try to fill with anything that i can, and there are a lot of other things that i forgot that they are, and of course they do ! Curiously, tonight i missed Eva in the concert. I remenbered too late that i should told her about the concert and maybe she would come. But i miss so many things... and there is so few time to lost missing things. I just try my best and hope this is enough.
Tonight i confessed something to the crow girl. I haven't really love anyone since Jose isn't with me. I haven't truly hate something too. I think that i have gone too far in my germanation to pass over the pain and put some order and discipline into my life. Maybe i need a good amount of Brazil, but tonight as i was in the concert i began noticing somethings about the plan to Brazil that i didn't liked. And at the same time it atracted me so much. Why bad things are so interesting ? Aaahh, the temptation of evil.
Anyway, it's time to go sleeping. I will rest four hours and tomorrow work and lots of duties. Let's see how it goes ! Wish me luck, people. Here i am, and here will i come from time by time to bore you with stories, tales and nonsenses ( not necesarily in this order ). Have a great time ;-)


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